District Benchmark Schedule Reading Benchmark • Grades: 3rd - 5th • Date: November 13 Science Benchmark • Grade: 5th only • Date: November 14 Math Benchmark • Grades: 3rd - 5th • Date: November 20 Please ensure students are prepared and arrive on time. Good luck to all students! Horario de Evaluaciones de Distrito Evaluación de Lectura • Grados: 3º - 5º • Fecha: 13 de noviembre Evaluación de Ciencias • Grado: solo 5º • Fecha: 14 de noviembre Evaluación de Matemáticas • Grados: 3º - 5º • Fecha: 20 de noviembre Por favor, asegúrense de que los estudiantes estén preparados y lleguen a tiempo. ¡Buena suerte a todos los estudiantes!
4 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
El punto de referencia del distrito es el punto de referencia de lectura de volantes para el tercer a quinto grado es el 13 de noviembre. El punto de referencia de ciencias es el 14 de noviembre para los estudiantes de quinto grado. El punto de referencia de matemáticas será el 20 de noviembre para los estudiantes de cuarto, tercero a quinto grado.
District benchmark flyer  reading benchmark for third through fifth grade is November 13. Science benchmark is November 14 for fifth grade students. Math benchmark will be November 20 fourth third through fifth grade students.
🌟 We want to give a huge round of applause to the 4th grade choir from E.B. Reyna Elementary for their spectacular performance at our district’s Veterans Day event! Their voices, energy, and dedication truly brought the spirit of honor and gratitude to our celebration. Thank you, students and choir directors, for making this event so memorable for our veterans and community. 🎶🇺🇸 #ProudMoment #HonoringOurVeterans #EBReynaElementary 🌟 Queremos dar un gran aplauso al coro de 4to grado de la escuela primaria E.B. Reyna por su espectacular presentación en nuestro evento del Día de los Veteranos del distrito. Sus voces, energía y dedicación realmente trajeron el espíritu de honor y gratitud a nuestra celebración. Gracias a los estudiantes y a los directores del coro por hacer que este evento sea tan memorable para nuestros veteranos y la comunidad. 🎶🇺🇸 #MomentoDeOrgullo #HonrandoANuestrosVeteranos #EscuelaEBReyna
4 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
EB Students sing at LJISD Veterans Day event
EB Students sing at LJISD Veterans Day event
EB Students sing at LJISD Veterans Day event
EB Students sing at LJISD Veterans Day event
Emilia Rios playing the  metellaphone
E B Reyna students posing for a picture at their practice for the LJISD Veterans Day event
🎉 Our November edition of The Pack Connection newsletter is here! 🗞️ Dive into the latest updates, inspiring stories, and upcoming events that are shaping our community! Don’t miss out on exclusive content that keeps you in the loop—click to read and stay connected! 💥📅 Click on link to view Newsletter: https://www.lajoyaisd.com/o/lajoyaisd/page/the-pack-connection
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
the pack connection
📣 Attention La Joya ISD Families! 📣 Get ready for State of the Schools Nights! 🌟 Join us as we share exciting updates on how your child’s school is performing, and the improvements we're making to support their learning journey. 🎓📚 ✨ Discover our district's initiatives for student success! ✨ Connect with school leaders and staff! ✨ Partner with us in building a brighter future for your child! 📅 Dates & Times: Elementary Schools: Thursday, November 14 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM Middle Schools: Tuesday, November 12 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM High Schools: Wednesday, November 13 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM 📲 Don’t miss out! For more details, visit www.lajoyaisd.com/TEAScores or contact your child’s campus. Together, let's make sure "Educational Excellence is the Right of Every Student!" 🏆💼 We’re excited to see you there! 💛
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
state of the schools
🎬✨ In honor of Veterans Day, our LJISD K-12 Humanities team created a heartfelt video featuring photos submitted by our employees! 📸🇺🇸❤️ Join us in celebrating and thanking LJISD staff , their families and all veterans for their service and sacrifice. Click on link below to view video: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWIVkmcvo/h23J3ssP5Mhs2slQqoXCKQ/watch?utm_content=DAGWIVkmcvo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
Veterans Day
📚📖 La Joya ISD Literacy Celebration Week Announcement! 📖📚 🎉 Let's celebrate the love of reading together! Join us for Literacy Celebration Week from November 11-15, 2024 at La Joya ISD! Each day brings a new theme to inspire and celebrate reading. ✨ Monday, Nov 11 - Red, White, and Blue Day! Wear patriotic colors as we honor stories that shape our nation. 🇺🇸 🧦 Tuesday, Nov 12 - Mix Matched Socks Day! Embrace diversity with mixed socks, celebrating the wide variety of stories we read! 🧦 🦸‍♂️ Wednesday, Nov 13 - Super Hero Day! Reading is our superpower! Dress up as your favorite superhero! 💥 🤠 Thursday, Nov 14 - Western Attire Day! Mosey down to your library and round up a good book in your best western wear! 🤠 🧣 Friday, Nov 15 - Warm Ups Day! Get cozy in your warmest attire and enjoy a favorite book! 🧤
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
literacy activities
🌟 National STEM Day at E.B. Reyna Elementary! 🌟 Today, we're celebrating National STEM Day with our future innovators, problem-solvers, and creators at E.B. Reyna Elementary! 🚀🔬👩‍🔬 Our students are diving into hands-on activities, exploring the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math, and discovering just how fun learning can be! Whether it's building bridges, coding robots, or exploring the stars, our young learners are making their mark on the world of STEM. 🌍✨ Thank you to everyone who makes these exciting opportunities possible for our students! #LJTECHi3 @LaJoyaISDEdTech @LaJoyaISD 📸 Check out these amazing moments from our STEM Day celebrations! 👇👇 🌟 ¡Día Nacional de STEM en la Escuela Primaria E.B. Reyna! 🌟 Hoy estamos celebrando el Día Nacional de STEM con nuestros futuros innovadores, solucionadores de problemas y creadores en la Escuela Primaria E.B. Reyna! 🚀🔬👩‍🔬 ¡Nuestros estudiantes están participando en actividades prácticas, explorando las maravillas de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas, y descubriendo lo divertido que puede ser aprender! Ya sea construyendo puentes, programando robots o explorando las estrellas, nuestros jóvenes están dejando su huella en el mundo de STEM. 🌍✨ ¡Gracias a todos los que hacen posible estas emocionantes oportunidades para nuestros estudiantes! #LJTECHi3 @LaJoyaISDEdTech @LaJoyaISD 📸 ¡Mira estos momentos increíbles de nuestra celebración del Día STEM! 👇👇
4 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
Pizza oven  STEM activities with EB Reyna students
Pizza oven fun with EB Reyna
EB Reyna students creating pretzels and marshmallow engineering
Eb Reyna  students making pizza ovens and making yummy treats cooked in the oven.
EB Reyna student engineers creating marshmallows and pretzels structures
Even Reyna engineering with pretzels and marshmallows
EB Reyna student marshmallow and pretzel engineering
EB Reyna  student making lemon volcanos
EB Reyna students lemon volcanoes
🌟 Coming Soon: La Joya ISD’s District Advisory Committee! 🌟 Join us as we shape the future of La Joya ISD! The District Advisory Committee (DAC) will be a diverse group of voices—including parents, teachers, community members, and business representatives—working together to support our schools and students. Stay tuned for more updates on how you can get involved and make an impact! 📚💼 If you'd like to learn more about the District Advisory Committee, visit our website at www.lajoyaisd.com/DAC
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
📣 Attention La Joya ISD Families! 📣 Get ready for State of the Schools Nights! 🌟 Join us as we share exciting updates on how your child’s school is performing, and the improvements we're making to support their learning journey. 🎓📚 ✨ Discover our district's initiatives for student success! ✨ Connect with school leaders and staff! ✨ Partner with us in building a brighter future for your child! 📅 Dates & Times: ✔️Elementary Schools: Thursday, November 14 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM ✔️Middle Schools: Tuesday, November 12 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM ✔️High Schools: Wednesday, November 13 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM 📲 Don’t miss out! For more details, visit www.lajoyaisd.com/TEAScores or contact your child’s campus. Together, let's make sure "Educational Excellence is the Right of Every Student!" 🏆💼 We’re excited to see you there!
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
state of the schools
📣 Attention La Joya ISD Families! 📣 Get ready for State of the Schools Nights! 🌟 Join us as we share exciting updates on how your child’s school is performing, and the improvements we're making to support their learning journey. 🎓📚 ✨ Discover our district's initiatives for student success! ✨ Connect with school leaders and staff! ✨ Partner with us in building a brighter future for your child! 📅 Dates & Times: Elementary Schools: Thursday, November 14 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM Middle Schools: Tuesday, November 12 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM High Schools: Wednesday, November 13 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM 📲 Don’t miss out! For more details, visit www.lajoyaisd.com/TEAScores or contact your child’s campus. Together, let's make sure "Educational Excellence is the Right of Every Student!" 🏆💼 We’re excited to see you there! 💛
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
state of the schools
📚✨ **November is National Family Literacy Month!** ✨📚 At La Joya ISD, we’re excited to celebrate the joy of reading with family-friendly events all month long! Join us in making reading a fun, shared activity for the whole family. From family reading nights to storytelling events, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Let’s build a culture of literacy together and inspire lifelong readers! Let’s make this month a memorable one for you and your family. *************************** 📚✨ ¡Noviembre es el Mes Nacional de la Alfabetización Familiar! ✨📚 En La Joya ISD, estamos emocionados de celebrar la alegría de la lectura con eventos familiares durante todo el mes. ¡Únete con nosotros para hacer de la lectura una actividad divertida y compartida para toda la familia! Desde noches de lectura familiar hasta eventos de narración de cuentos, hay algo para que todos disfruten. Construyamos juntos una cultura de alfabetización e inspiremos lectores de por vida. Hagamos que este mes sea inolvidable para ti y tu familia.
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
literacy month
🌟 Happy National Principals Month! 🌟 Today, we want to take a moment to honor an incredible leader at EB Reyna Elementary, Mrs. Lara Garza. Your dedication, vision, and unwavering support have made a profound impact on our school community. Thank you for inspiring both students and staff every day with your passion for education and your commitment to excellence. Your leadership fosters a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive. Let’s celebrate Mrs. Garza for all that she does! 🎉❤️ #Principalsmonth #ThankYouMrsGarza #EBReynaElementary @lajoyaisd 🌟"¡Feliz Mes Nacional de los Directores!"🌟 Hoy queremos tomarnos un momento para honrar a una líder increíble en EB Reyna Elementary, la Sra. Lara Garza. Tu dedicación, visión y apoyo incondicional han tenido un impacto profundo en nuestra comunidad escolar. Gracias por inspirar a estudiantes y personal cada día con tu pasión por la educación y tu compromiso con la excelencia. Tu liderazgo fomenta un ambiente en el que todos pueden prosperar. ¡Celebremos a la Sra. Garza por todo lo que hace! 🎉❤️ #MesDelDirector #GraciasSraGarza #EBReynaElementary @lajoyaisd
4 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
info graphic of Mrs Garza for national principals month
📅🍂 Get ready for an exciting month at La Joya ISD! November is packed with activities, special events, and opportunities to celebrate learning and community! 🎉 From Professional Learning Day and STEM/STEAM Day to honoring Veterans Day and participating in American Education Week, there’s something for everyone. Plus, don’t forget to vote on Election Day, and enjoy a well-deserved Thanksgiving Break at the end of the month! 🦃✨ Check out the calendar and mark your dates!
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
November 2024
🎉✨ Exciting News at La Joya ISD! We’re proud to announce the formation of our Superintendent’s Advisory Committees! 🙌🎓👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍎 These four powerful committees are made up of dedicated students, engaged parents, passionate educators, and our committed principals—all coming together to collaborate and shape the bright future of our district! 🌟💙 Together, they’ll work on exciting initiatives to ensure every voice is heard and that La Joya ISD continues to thrive for our entire community! 🚀💫 #LegacyOfExcellence
4 months ago, La Joya ISD
advisory comm
🎉📚 October is National PRINCIPALS MONTH! 👏✨ Throughout this month, we’ll be spotlighting our incredible principals who work tirelessly to ensure student success! 🌟🎓 Today, we’re excited to honor two amazing leaders at La Joya ISD: 🏫 Mrs. Lora Longoria Cantu, Principal at John F. Kennedy Designated STEAM Elementary 🏫 Mrs. Yesenia Gonzalez, Principal at Rosendo Benavides Elementary 🏫 Ms. Karey Villarreal, Principal at Leo J. Leo Elementary 🏫 Mrs. Lucina Lara Garza, Principal at E. B. Reyna Elementary Thank you principals for your dedication, leadership, and passion! 🙌💙 Your commitment to excellence makes a world of difference for our students and community! ❤️🩶 #LegacyOfExcellence
5 months ago, La Joya ISD
principals month
principals month
principals month
principals Month
🍊 EB Reyna Elementary Students Explore Reversible Changes in Science! 🍊 Our young scientists took on a delicious science project to learn about reversible changes using frozen juice! They observed how freezing and melting work, discovering how frozen liquids can return to their original state. From mixing flavors to predicting outcomes, our students had a blast experimenting with science in action. Learning is so much sweeter when you can taste the results! 🧃❄️ Thank you to our amazing teachers for making science both fun and tasty. Great job, Reyna Scientists! 🌟 #EBReynaElementary #ScienceIsCool #STEMExploration #ReversibleChanges
5 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
Shelby Villanueva showing off her reflection  on reversable changes of juice pops.
EB students responding in their journals about reversable changes.
🌟 EB Reyna Elementary Lock-in Fun! 🌟 Our students had an amazing time at this year’s Lock-in event! They dived into hands-on STEM activities, discovering science, technology, engineering, and math in the most fun and creative ways. 🧪🔬🚀 From building projects to solving challenges, our future innovators showed incredible teamwork and curiosity! Huge thanks to our teachers, volunteers, and families for making this event a success. 💡💙 #EBReynaElementary #STEMfun #FutureLeaders #SchoolLockin 🌟 ¡Diversión en el Lock-in de EB Reyna Elementary! 🌟 ¡Nuestros estudiantes disfrutaron al máximo en el Lock-in de este año! Se sumergieron en actividades STEM prácticas, explorando ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas de formas divertidas y creativas. 🧪🔬🚀 Desde construir proyectos hasta resolver desafíos, nuestros futuros innovadores mostraron un trabajo en equipo y curiosidad increíbles. ¡Un enorme agradecimiento a nuestros maestros, voluntarios y familias por hacer de este evento un éxito! 💡💙 #EBReynaElementary #DiversiónSTEM #FuturosLíderes #LockinEscolar
5 months ago, E. B. Reyna Elementary
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
EB students creating stem projects
📣 ATTENTION LA JOYA ISD STAFF 📣 📅 Save the Date! 📅 La Joya ISD invites you to participate in Empowered: Learn. Elevate. Engage Dynamic, hands-on professional learning sessions designed to inspire and elevate your skills! 🌟💡 Join us on: November 1, 2024 January 6, 2025 March 7, 2025 💰 Compensation is available for eligible participants! 👉 For a full list of professional development sessions and to sign up, click the link below: https://apps.esc1.net/professionaldevelopment/LJISD
5 months ago, La Joya ISD
Professional Development
🎃🕸️ Get ready for a spooktacular night at La Joya ISD’s Halloween Centennial Night! 👻✨ Bring your ghosts, goblins, witches, and wizards to enjoy a night filled with chills and thrills. Don’t miss out on the fang-tastic fun! 🧙‍♀️🎃 📅 October 29, 2024 🕕 6:00 PM 📍 Nellie Schunior Courtyard, 200 W. Expy 83, La Joya, TX 78560 Costumes are encouraged! See you there... if you dare! 🦇👀 #LegacyOfExcellence
5 months ago, La Joya ISD
halloween event
🎉✨ We had our first Centennial Celebration Committee meeting and it was a blast! 🎊🎈 Together, we’re planning incredible celebrations to honor the rich history and legacy of La Joya ISD! 💎📚 Get ready, amazing centennial events are in the works, and we can’t wait to share them with our community! 🌟👏 #LegacyOfExcellence
5 months ago, La Joya ISD
centennial meeting
centennial meeting
centennial meeting
centennial meeting